Wednesday, October 26, 2011



हिरण्यवर्णा हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रजाम्
चन्द्रां हिरण्यमयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो मऽआवह।।।।
            तां आवह जातवेदो लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम्
            यस्या हिरण्यं विन्देयं गामश्वं पुरुषानहम् ।।।।
Invoke for you O Agni, the Goddess Lakshmi, who shines like gold, yellow in hue, wearing gold and silver garlands, blooming like the moon, the embodiment of wealth.
O Agni! Invoke for me that unfailing Lakshmi, blessed by whom, I shall win wealth, cattle, horses and men. 

अश्वपूर्णा रथमध्यां हस्तिनादप्रमोदिनीम्
श्रियं देवीमुपह्वये श्रीर्मा देवीजुषताम् ।।।।
            कां सोस्मितां हिरण्यप्राकारामाद्रा ज्वलन्तीं तृप्तां तर्पयन्तीम्
            पद्मस्थितां पद्मवर्णा तामिहो पह्वये श्रियम् ।।।।
I invoke Shri (Lakshmi, who has a line of horses in her front, a series of chariots in the middle, who is being awakened by the trumpeting of elephants, who is divinely resplendent. May that divine Lakshmi grace me. I hereby invoke that Shri (Lakshmi) who is the embodiment of absolute bliss; who is of pleasant smile on her face; whose lustre is that of burnished gold; who is wet as it were, (just from the milky ocean) who is blazing with splendour, and is the embodiment of the fulfillment of all wishes; who satisfies the desire of her votaries; who is seated on the lotus and is beautiful like the lotus.

चन्द्रां प्रभासां यशसा ज्वल्न्तीं श्रियं लोके देवजुष्टामुदाराम्
तां पद्मिनींमीं शरण प्रपद्येऽलक्ष्मीर्मे नश्यतां त्वां वृणोमि ।।।।
            आदित्यवर्णे तपसोऽधिजातो वनस्पतिस्तव वृक्षोऽथ बिल्वः
            तस्य फ़लानि तपसानुदन्तु या अन्तरा याश्च बाह्या अलक्ष्मीः ।।।।
I resort to that Lakshmi for shelter in this world, who is beautiful like the moon, who shines bright, who is blazing with renown, which is adored (even) by the gods, which is highly magnanimous, and grand like the lotus. May my misfortunes perish. I surrender myself to You, O resplendent like the Sun! By your power and glory, plants like the bael tree have grown up. may the fruits thereof destroy through the grace of all inauspiciousness rising from the inner organs and ignorance as well from the outer senses. 

उपैतु मां देवसखः कीर्तिश्च मणिना सह
प्रादुर्भूतोऽस्मि राष्ट्रेऽस्मिन्कीर्तिमृद्धिं ददातु मे ।।।। 
            क्षुत्पिपासामलां जयेष्ठामलक्ष्मीं नाशयाम्यहम्
            अभूतिमसमृद्धिं सर्वा निणुद मे गृहात् ।।।।
O Lakshmi! I am born in this country with the heritage of wealth. May the friends of Lord Siva (Kubera, Lord of wealth and Fame), come to me. May these (having take their abode with me), bestow on me fame and prosperity. I shall destroy the elder sister to Lakshmi, the embodiment of inauspiciousness and such evil as hunger, thirst and the like. O Lakshmi! Drive out from my abode all misfortunes and poverty. 

गन्धद्वारां दुराधर्षां नित्यपुष्टां करीषिणीम्
ईश्वरीं सर्वभूतानां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियम् ।।।। 
                मनसः काममाकूतिं वाचः सत्यमशीमहि
                पशुनां रुपमन्नस्य मयि श्रीः श्रयतां यशः ।।१०।।
I hereby invoke Lakshmi (Shri), whose (main) avenue of perception is the odoriferous sense (i.e., one who abides mainly in cows); who is incapable of defeat or threat from anyone; who is ever healthy (with such virtuous qualities as truth); whose grace is seen abundantly in the refuse of cows (the cows being sacred); and who is supreme over all created beings. O Lakshmi! May we obtain and enjoy the fulfillment of our desires and our volitions, the veracity of our speech, the wealth of cattle, the abundance of varieties of food to eat! May prosperity and fame reside in me.

कर्दमेन प्रजाभूता मयि सम्भवकर्दम
श्रियं वासय मे कुले मातरं पद्मालिनीम् ।।।।    
            आपः सृजन्तु स्निग्धानि चिक्लीत वस मे गृहे
            निच देवी मातरं श्रियं वासय मे कुले ।।१२।।
 Lakshmi! You have progeny in Kardama. (Hence) O Kardama, may you reside in me. Make Mother Shri with garlands of lotuses to have Her abode in my (ancestral) line. may the (holy) waters create friendship (they being of adhesive nature). O Chiklita (progeny of Shri)! Reside at my home; and arrange to make Divine Mother Shri stay in my lineage! 

आर्द्रा पुष्करिणीं पुष्टिं पिंगलां पद्मालिनीम्
चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मी जातवेदो में आवह ।।१३।।    
            आर्द्रा यः करिणीं यष्टिं सुवर्णा हेममालिनीम्
            सूर्या हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो आवह ।।१४।।
Invoke for me, O Agni, Lakshmi who shines like gold, is brilliant like the sun, who is powerfully fragrant, who wields the rod of suzerainty, who is the form of supreme rulership, who is radiant with ornaments and is the goddess of wealth. Invoke for me O Agni, the Goddess Lakshmi who shines like gold, blooms like the moon, who is fresh with anointment (of fragrant scent), who is adorned with the lotuses (lifted up by celestial elephants in the act of worship), who is the presiding deity of nourishment, who is yellow in colour, and who wears garlands of lotuses.

तां ऽआवह जातवेदो लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम्
यस्या हिरण्य प्रभूतं गावो दास्योऽश्वन्विन्देयं पुरुषानहम् ।।।।
Invoke for me O Agni, that Goddess Lakshmi, who is ever unfailing, being blesses by whom I shall win wealth in plenty, cattle, servants, horses and men. 

यः शुचिः प्रयतो भूत्वा जुहुयादाज्यमन्वहम्
            सूक्तमं पंचदशर्च श्रीकामः सततं जपेत् ।।।।

We commune ourselves with the Great Goddess, and meditate on the consort of Vishnu; may that Lakshmi direct us (to the Great Goal).

ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति:

Om May there be Peace, Peace, Peace.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Not Newton but Bhashkaracharya

Who Discovered the Law of Gravitation?
Bhashkaracharya had discovered the law of gravitation well before Newton did some thousand years later.

१) Gravitational Pull—“Father, the earth on which we live, rests on which thing?”
Leelavati had asked this question hundreds of years ago to her father, Bhaskaracharya. In reply, Bhaskaracharya said, “O daughter, Leelavati! Those people who say that the earth is resting on the sheshnaag (cobra snake), the tortoise or elephant or any other thing, are wrong. If we accept that it is based on something, then the question that arises is, that thing rests on which thing? Thus, the reason and its reason…if this sequence continues, then it is known as a state of uncondition in jurisprudence.” Leelavati still insisted on asking the question. Then, Bhaskaracharya said , “Why can we not accept that the earth is not based on anything? What is wrong in saying that the earth is standing on its own strength and call it its power of retention?” At this Leelavati asked how it was possible? Then, Bhaskaracharya speaks of principles and says that the power of things is very peculiar.
Marucchalo bhoorachala swabhaawato
yato Vichitravatavastu shaktyah
—(Siddhant Shiromani Golaadhyay-Bhuvankosh—5)
He further says:
Aakrishtishaktishch mahi taya yat
khastham Guru swabhimukham swashaktya.
Aakrishyate tatpatateev bhaati
Samesamantaat kwa patatviyam khe.
—(Siddhanta Shiromani Golaadhyay-Bhuvankosh—6)
आकृष्टिशक्तिश्च महि तय यत्
खष्ठं गुरु स्वभिमुखं स्वशक्त्या ।
आकृष्यते तत्पततीव भाति
समेसमन्तात् क्व पतत्वियं खे ॥
(शिद्धान्त शिरोमणि गोलाध्यय-भुवनकोष-६)
This means that the earth has the power of attraction. So, it attracts heavy things towards itself and because of the attraction, they fall to the ground. But, when an equal power or strength pulls from all directions in the sky, then how can a thing fall? This means that the planets stay in the sky without any support because the gravitational powers of the various planets maintain the balance.
Today, we say that Newton was the first to discover the gravitational power of the earth, but 550 years before him, Bhaskaracharya had spoken about it.
२) The Earth is Round—Leelavati asks her father how he can say that the earth is round when she can see only a flat surface all around?
Bhaskaracharya says that what we see is not always the truth. He says that if you draw a large circle and look at only a hundredth part of its circumference, then it will appear to be a straight line; but actually it is not so. It is curved. Similarly, we see only a small part of the sphere of this huge earth. Hence, it seems flat to us. In reality, the earth-is round.

Samo yatah syaatparidheh shataanshah
Prithvi cha prithvi nitaraam taneeyaan
Narashcha tatprishthagatasya kritsnaa
Sameva tasya pratibhaatyatah saa.
(Siddhanta Shiromani golaadhyay-Bhuvankosh 13)
समो यत: स्यात्परिधेह शतान्श:
पृथी च पृथ्वी नितरां तनीयान् ।
नरश्च तत्पृष्ठगतस्य कृत्स्ना
समेव तस्य प्रतिभात्यत: सा ॥
(सिद्धन्त शिरोमणि गोलाध्यय-भुवनकोष- १३)